Enrichment and Gifted/Talented Program

Gifted/Talented Coordinator: Zack Milkewicz
Email Prefix: zmilkewicz
908-782-6464 X303
SPARK is the Schoolwide Enrichment and Gifted/Talented Program at East Amwell Township School. The learning of all students in grades K – 8 is enriched, broadened, or accelerated through one or more aspects of SPARK. While learning for all students is enriched, the needs of the gifted learner are identified and met through the most appropriate program placement.
The most encompassing component of SPARK is Whole Class Enrichment. All students participate as learners during special units to complement, enhance, and/or broaden the regular curriculum. Each grade level is scheduled for at least one unit per school year.
The Gifted and Talented Program supports the New Jersey Gifted and Talented Requirements and is guided by the Standards of the National Association for Gifted Children. Identification of students is accomplished using a variety of methods, including testing, teacher recommendations, class performance, and grades. The academic needs of identified students are met through flexible grouping, curriculum compacting, differentiation, and pull out instruction.
SPARK also offers challenging opportunities for high achieving students to develop areas of academic strength and multi-intelligences through selected special programs. These programs include Junior Great Books, and the New Jersey Bar Foundation Law Adventure.
Continuum of Services:
The SPARK Curriculum will meet and/or exceed the New Jersey Requirements through the following SERVICES:
- Programming based on Standards of the National Association for Gifted Children
- Whole Class Enrichment
- Gifted and Talented Student Identification
- Flexible Grouping
- Curriculum Compacting
- Differentiation
- Pull-Out Instruction
- Specialized Programs
Policies and Procedures for Gifted and Talented Student Identification
Those exceptionally able students who possess or demonstrate high levels of ability, in one or more content areas, when compared to their chronological peers in the local district and who require modification of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities.
Identification of gifted and talented students within the SPARK program is “an organized, systematic, ongoing process that seeks to identify student needs for the purposes of matching students to programming options” as recommended by the National Association for Gifted Children. Guiding all decisions for identification will be the needs of students and their level of mastery relating to the regular classroom curriculum. The following general principles for identification established by members of NAGC will be utilized when evaluating students:
- Assessment of students beyond a narrowed conception of talent.
- Use of reliable and valid instruments and strategies for assessing talent and emerging
- Recognition of each child as an individual.
- Use of a multiple measure/ multiple criteria approach.
- Recognition of the limitations of using matrices.
- Appreciation of the value of individual case study.
- Identification and placement based on student need.
SPARK Gifted and Talented Parent Input Process
- Parents are invited to nominate students for identification as part of the Gifted and Talented program.
- Parents can complete a nomination form available by contacting the G/T coordinator.
- Parents can contact the BOE regarding the G/T program with questions and concerns including those regarding compliance to the state regulations.
Individuals who believe that the school district has not complied with the provisions set forth in the New Jersey Department of Education's Strengthening Gifted and Talented Education Act may file a complaint with the District's Board of Education. The Public Complaint Policy outlines the processes and procedures necessary to file a complaint.